Thursday, April 3, 2014

Quick Drops

Not a long, poignant novella this time.  Just a few quick hits.

Last weekend, Lori and I took the kids out to Somerset Collection just to get out of the house for a bit.  Evie ended up falling asleep in her car seat, and Henry did well in the different environment.

While Lori and I stopped briefly for a late lunch, we gave Henry some small pieces of chicken from Lori's order.  And to our great surprise and delight, he didn't choke or gag on any of them.  He actually ate Real Food!

When it was time to leave, I had him stand on his own while I put his jacket on him.  Lori began walking away with the stroller, and Henry, instead of raising his arms to be picked up, started toddling off after her.  Not just that, but walking without holding my hand.  Lori kept looking at his reflection in the store windows and there he was, just following behind her while I walked behind him to catch him if he stumbled.

We tried to put him back in the stroller when we got to the exit, but he wanted to keep being held.  So I indulged him there, but we gave him lots of hugs and praise.

Yesterday was some more tummy time for Evie.  She actually managed to stay in that position for about 3 minutes before she started complaining.  Not just that, but she did her best to lift her head to look ahead of her.  Still no "mini push-ups" yet, though.

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